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Woman's Touch Could Improve Phuket Taxi Image, Says Governor

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
PHUKET: Having women working as taxi drivers might soften the impression of drivers among tourists, Phuket Governor Maitree Intrusud suggested at a meeting today.

He told officials at the gathering at Phuket Provincial Hall in Phuket City that female drivers would create ''a good image.''

The ''physical language'' of taxi drivers was important and the way Phuket's taxi drivers dressed could be greatly improved, said the governor.

''Not all taxi drivers are polite when they talk, and not all the vehicles are clean,'' he said.

He asked the officials at the meeting to keep him informed on problems associated with tourism.

A representative from the Labor Office said she had reported a foreigner to officers at Tachatchai Police Station.

The foreigner appeared to be ''teaching watersports'' - no details were provided - without a work permit. The police had declined to investigate for lack of evidence, she said.

Vice Governor Dr Sommai Preechasin said that toilets on Phuket were often below international standards and needed to be improved.

''A competition is one idea we are considering,'' she said. She nominated the toilets at the Kan Eang @ Pier restaurant as being possibly Phuket's best.

The governor agreed that Phuket's toilets could be improved and said that lifting standards at public toilets should be extended to include Phuket police stations, district offices and all government buildings.

The representative for Airports of Thailand told the meeting that it was hoped to improve access through security at the entrance to Phuket International Airport so handicapped people could proceed with greater ease.


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Fresh water Showers on the main beaches like they have in Australia would improve the image, how many billions of Baht do tourists bring in and no showers. Also to have to pay to use the toilets on beaches like Kata gives such a bad impression, even the toilet paper is rationed. How sad this makes Thailand look.

Posted by Donating Farang on June 12, 2013 14:58


I would like to see more women police officers.

Posted by G Horne on June 12, 2013 15:43


Of course: the taxi drivers get the best of both worlds. Following this suggestion they will benefit from one of the highest relative taxi incomes in the world and not have to lift a finger by sending out their wives to work! Please Mr. Governor, tell us all you're only kidding and will soon come up with tangible and creative ideas that can ameliorate the deteriorating situation on the island. Please,,,

Posted by Sam W on June 12, 2013 16:58


A few token female taxi pilots a competition for toilets is that the best the Governor and officials can come up with,which translates as we will adjust the window dressing a little bit that will solve all the problems,fat chance and dream on, gentlemen.

Posted by slickmelb on June 12, 2013 18:04


I have noticed more female drivers over the years. The rank on the north end of Kata almost always has a female engaging the passing tourists. Once in Phuket town my gf and I became stranded at the inter-provincial bus station because none of the tuk tuks or motosai drivers would take us across town to the local bus station. The would only agree to take us all the way to the beach. Finally a female motosai driver had to take both of us plus luggage on her bike. She couldn't get any of the other male drivers to do it. I assumed she could do this because as a woman she did not have to worry about any of the retribution that might otherwise be meted out to a male driver.

Posted by NomadJoe on June 12, 2013 19:25

Editor Comment:

There is no doubt that women drivers would soften the taxi drivers' image. But it's a dilution, not a solution.


A female governor comes to mind.

Posted by Lena on June 13, 2013 00:23


A typical local approach to a serious problem - concentrate on improving the image, never mind the actual problems.

It's all about appearances. Being overcharged by a male, female or even a ladyboy doesn't improve the situation one iota.

However a female driver might put on a pretty dress and smile ?

Posted by ThaiMike on June 13, 2013 07:04


Clean toilets and female taxi drivers as solutions are impotent as it gets on solving transport and tourist problems. I hope this is a bad translation of the Gov's comments.

Posted by Media Watcher on June 13, 2013 09:55


I thought the politicians in Australia came up with nonsensical ideas but this takes the cake!

Posted by Damien on June 13, 2013 10:07

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