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Phuket's Nai Harn beach, noted for shorefront restaurants and bars

Phuket Tourist Tells: Gang Kidnapped Me for Rape

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Phuketwan UPDATE

A MEDICAL examination of a young Swedish tourist showed she'd had sex with one man, not two or more, police said on Sunday. Police are pursuing the three men who allegedly kidnapped the woman after beating up a man she had sex with at Nai Harn.

Original Report

POLICE are investigating claims that a young Swedish tourist was raped close to Nai Harn lagoon early today. A senior officer was taking a statement from the woman this afternoon.

Nai Harn and the vicinity of the lagoon figured in at least one rape of an expat woman and the attempted rape of an expat while out jogging in incidents last year.

In a preliminary outline of today's events to Chalong police, the Swedish woman, aged in her 20s, told officers that she and a group of her friends had been partying at a Nai harn bar near the beach until 4am.

The woman said that she met a Thai boy she liked at a bar last night, they had some drinks together, then early today she had sex with him on a beach lounger, not far from the lagoon at the southern approach to Nai Harn beach.

Three men on foot emerged from the dark after they had sex, she said, beat her male friend, and took her with them.

Her male companion ran away and returned with her Swedish friends, three young women and three men.

The woman told police she was raped, but it was not clear by how many of the gang. Details were expected to come with this afternoon's lengthy interview.

Officers said all people involved in the case were still drunk this morning when interviewed for the first time.

The young Swedish woman underwent a thorough medical examination at Vachira Hospital in Phuket City this morning.

On New year's Day, Nai Harn was the location for Phuket's first beach drowning of the year. A 10-year-old boy died while on a family picnic outing.

Nai Harn and Phuket's other popular beaches have been without lifeguards since mid-November because of flaws in the tendering system.
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Enough is enough. Yet again another nail in the coffin. I am selling up and moving my Family young & old to Hua Hin.

At least there is respect there, it's cleaner, house prices are cheaper and the Police have a good record of crime solving. People close to me have been raped drugged robbed threatened with firearms, all in the last year so bye bye Phuket, especially Rawai-Nai Harn, and good luck, you will need it.

Just waiting for the retired to be mugged when the high season fades away. I will be far from it and watching with interest to see if the Police ever ever arrest anybody for the terrible crimes that are committed here. A Sad Sad Day

Posted by Hua Hin Bound on January 16, 2010 17:15



Sex on the beach seems not to be the third best sex anymore. She will end up being fined and pay a rental fee for the lounger.

Judging from the story it is not related to the other crimes, looks more like an arousal incident. They really think no one's watching these loungers at night? Police should ask the guards for info and maybe more.

I am truly sorry for the rape victim, but please do never behave like that in Thailand! It may be fun, put it is just dangerous.

Even holding hand or kissing in public is deemed gross behavior for Thais ("If they are so horny, they should find a room") not to think of public penetration. And at night there are a lot of potentially dangerous (drinking) young men out there.

It is not Benidorm. It is Southeast Asia.

Hope the victim will get over it and the rapists be found and punished. The bad choices of the victims at that night are no excuse for the wrong choices of the rapists.

Posted by Lena on January 16, 2010 18:08


Hau Hin Bound ... if you actually want a solution try Langkawi. It's cleaner, no rip offs, the Police CARE (I know it's a shocker after living here) and it's WAY cheaper. Hua Hin is just like any other place in Thailand ...

Posted by Noddy on January 16, 2010 18:10


Can we close these bars on time now?

Posted by Restless in Rawai on January 16, 2010 18:47


Lena, your,"blame the victim" mentality is how rapists justify their behavior, "well, she was drinking , having sex already, so let's just have a go.."

And I, too am bound for Malaysia, 10 year visa, respect from an immigration bureau that acts in a professional manner, (they even return e mails !!!!)

I can't wait to get out of Thailand and I am very very sorry I chose it in the first place.

I wish everyone knew that the online chat forums censor much that is written criticising Thailand, Land of Scam.

Editor: Lots of information in one comment . . . good luck in Malaysia.

Posted by HorseDoctor on January 17, 2010 08:45


Dear HorseDoctor,

In case you are openly gay, do not go to Malaysia. Is that also 'blame the victim'?

Posted by Lena on January 17, 2010 15:41


I thought Lena summarised the situation accurately without any of the ''blame the victim'' innuendo that HorseDoctor finds in the comment. It could well have been, as Lena says, an 'arousal incident.' And it's sensible advice about public displays that could be interpreted as a sign of promiscuity. Nothing improper or insensitive about that.

Posted by Angelfire on January 17, 2010 16:29


What test can possibly indicate how many men have had sex with a woman? Presence of semen is an indicator, sure but perhaps she used a condom with the consensual sex partner.

Angelfire, an, "arousal incident, signs of promiscuity?" Your comment is just more justification for rapist's crimes and you exhibit blatant double standards for women on sexuality.

Also, Lena, I know a few gay men in Kuala Lumpur, some even venture out on Friday nights in full drag and a couple work their jobs at a posh department store dressed as women, make up and all.

Curious, have you ever ACTUALLY been to MY, or are you just parroting paranoia propaganda?

Posted by Horse Doctor on January 17, 2010 21:06


Horse Doctor, There was nothing in Lena's original comment to offend anyone . . . except a paranoid propaganda parrot. But of course, '70s feminists believe only women understand rape, right?

Doesn't sperm have individual dna, and therefore if two types of dna are found, two men have been involved? Or is that something else males lack?

Posted by Angelfire on January 17, 2010 21:32


The lack of or presence of sperm does not indicate, nor disprove rape. Again, was a condom used in the consensual sex?

I want to know what tests they have that states she only had sex with one man. Please clarify, Phuketwan.

AF, I suppose promiscuity ( a term generally for women only) is an excuse for rape, according to your logic?

I guess some people are still sore women got the vote.

Editor: As I was saying, good luck in Malaysia.

Posted by Horse Doctor on January 18, 2010 08:47


Please clarify your report - just what test shows, "sex with only one man " ?

Posted by Horse Doctor on January 18, 2010 10:20


Still waiting for Phuketwan to clarify that update that blatantly suggests the victim is lying.
Suggest you ask the police what test they used.

Lena Comments:
"Even holding hand or kissing in public is deemed gross behavior for Thais ... And at night there are a lot of potentially dangerous (drinking) young men out there."

Thais are so prudent yet prostitution is illegal but practised openly and adults from all over the world come here for sex with prostitutes.
And woman should not go out at night, alone, looking to have sexual fun with partners THEY CHOOSE, or it's their fault when they get raped.Is that your view? You don't see the moral double standard you apply to women?

Lena (I presume from the name is female,) is a prime example of how women are often just as sexist as men can be, maybe even more so.

Posted by Horse Doctor on January 18, 2010 11:21


Rape is in Thailand a serious crime. If convicted you land a long time in jail. I remember the case of a prostitute in Bangkok who was raped at night in Lumpini Park (her work place). After she was able to get a police man listen to her (she had to go at least two times to the police, I think the dayshift helped her), the rapists were sentenced long.

What I want to tell you Horse Doctor, if you are a girl it is sometimes wise not to do things. Sad but true. If you are a Malay Beauty Queen do not take drinks at a bar. You may end up getting beaten by stick (officially of course). If you live in Nevada, do not have sex with your highschool boyfriend in front of a HellsAngels Clubhouse at night. If you party here and you are not willing to test the fighting abilities of your companion, do not what was done.

Sorry Angelfire to waste your time. But thanks.

Posted by Lena on January 18, 2010 14:43


Horse Doctor,
I think you are confusing equality and feminism. There is no reason why a woman cannot behave just like a man, get drunk if she wishes, pick up a partner for the night if she wishes, buy sex if she wishes. That's equality.

But as Lena has already pointed out, it is unwise to have sex outdoors in a public place. Rape, assault and kidnapping are crimes. So is lewd behavior in public.

It could be that this young tourist believes what feminism's false prophets taught women: that they can behave how they choose, when they choose, where they choose. The problem with that philosophy is, as men could have told them, there are sometimes unwelcome consequences.

You seem very confused about most matters pertaining to sex, moral principles and right and wrong. (Whether you or Lena are male or female hardly seems relevant to this debate. Why would you even ask the question?) Are you by any chance a feminist?

Posted by Angelfire on January 18, 2010 15:35


Is it slander or libel when a "news" publication reports, without evidence, that someone is lying about a crime they reported?

Editor: We haven't said anyone was lying. What we reported was that police concluded on the basis of the medical examination that the woman involved had not been raped. Kidnapping and assault are also serious crimes. Lewd behavior, as one reader has pointed out, is also a crime.

Posted by Still waiting on January 20, 2010 11:10


Lena, A " Girl", is under the age of 18. I believe this female was well into adulthood.

AngelFire; A feminist, is that like a suffragette?


Editor: Sorry, we don't respond to shouters.

Posted by HorseDoctor on January 20, 2010 11:21


horse doctor get a girl friend or such, you have serious an@l retention problems. Go and have fun outside dude?

Posted by Mickey on January 20, 2010 13:23


Editor YOU don't respond becasue you have no answer is more like it.

Adding the term , " Medical test," to the " Update" doesn't impress me.

What test shows how many men have had intercourse with a women? I"m really interested because that sounds like pure crap.

To even print it without any kind of clarification or questioning of the Police on their alleged issuance of such a load, is .. irresponsible.

Editor:We haven't retouched our 'Update' and your inference is yet another lame slur. Your point should be made directly to the police. Once you have your answer, please let us know.

Posted by HorseDoctor on January 21, 2010 17:28


Eh-hmmm..? Dont you get it? HorseDoctor is a female it appears! Bet she's lucky not getting into trouble in Phucket with THAT attitude!

What about the policeman neighbour, you moved away from him? Anyway, the freestyle Scandinavian girls in particular need to change their behaviour: Dont flash your flesh, dont walk, sit or sleep on the beach at night/early morning.

Remember this is Asia, where men are men and woman are sexual objects. Not like Farangland where the female is boss and controlling everything. That's why I like it here, far, far away from that weird scenario.

Posted by Jens on January 21, 2010 19:33


Phuket Wan Is it not your job to ask?

You know damn well there is no way to ascertain the info in that kind of a definitive statement, why would you let such a statemnet go unquestioned or at least add a clarification?

It reads as if she is lying, is that what you are suggesting and why?

You are in fact, libeling her IF your prior report she claims she was raped, or or you leaving out more clarification?

"Dragged away for rape ..," doesn't mean, "was raped...," kind of reporting?

Editor: Your interpretation of the report is shamefully inaccurate, and that's where all the distortions occur. Please read what we write, not what you think we write. If you are challenging the manner in which the evidence has been compiled, your argument is with the police.

Posted by Horse Doctor on January 23, 2010 10:50


Horse Doctor, Perhaps you need to spend more time at the pointy end of the horses?

Posted by Angelfire on January 24, 2010 06:19


Or here:

Posted by Jens on January 25, 2010 02:37


Then the headline is sensationalist and misleading , "...kidnapped, for rape."
My complaint is with the incomplete information in your " update." Is she lying about being raped, because writing, "she only had sex with one man" is like stating she is lying. There is no such test to determine how many men she had sex with, it is irresponsible to print such a statement no matter how many ridiculing posts you put up, PhuketWan.

Editor: You've aired your opinion and offered your interpretation of our account several times We conscientiously try to avoid ''ridiculing posts.'' Our aim is not to belittle or demean, and we sincerely wish you shared that aim. If you want to persist, please take up the issue directly with the local police.

Posted by Horse Doctor on January 28, 2010 09:06


Then PhuketWan,
Please consider changing your update to, " Not raped " or better yet, clarify whether the victim actually claimed to be raped, as inferred by the headline ( IMO) " Gang Kidnapped Me for Rape."
You honestly don't see the sensationalistic aspects of that headline....nor the libelous overtone of the update.....?

Did she actually claim to be raped?

Editor: If there's confusion in your mind, re-read the article, Horse Doctor. The headline was accurate and remains so. The problem is in your ability to jump to false conclusions and to see what isn't written and hasn't been said. I don't plan on spending more time on this.

Posted by Horse Doctor on January 28, 2010 13:29

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