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Phuket VIDEO: Baby Phuket Elephant Enjoys the Sea For the First Time

Phuket VIDEO: Baby Phuket Elephant Enjoys the Sea For the First Time

Thursday, June 13, 2013
VIDEO Phuket Baby Elephant Swims

Fun As a Baby Elephant Discovers the Sea on Phuket
WHEN a baby elephant sees the sea for the first time on Phuket.

PHUKET: Phuket is one of the few places we've ever heard about where elephants swim in the sea.

It happens regularly at Bang Tao beach, where elephants from Laguna Phuket frolic almost every afternoon.

Now YouTube footage has captures a baby elephant on Phuket enjoying itself immensely in what the headline says is its first seaside encounter.

The video inspires a journalist at to write: ''Watching this video makes us appreciate that humans and animals share more in common than we usually think.

''The young animal's delight as it splashes and frolics playfully in the waves captivates us probably because something about his juvenile self-abandonment at play reminds us of some of the memorable 'firsts' of our own childhood and of course the undiluted joy of 'firsts' we witness as we watch our children grow up.''

The writer adds: ''Call it anthropomorphising if you will, but that smile on his cute baby face must be the real thing! This baby elephant is definitely happy and the gushing 'smile' on his face betrays the fact.''

User NancyBelal uploaded the footage to YouTube and it has received thousands of views.

VIDEO Phuket Baby Elephant Swims

Fun As a Baby Elephant Discovers the Sea on Phuket
WHEN a baby elephant sees the sea for the first time on Phuket.


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No doom & gloom posts for this, surely

Posted by eezergood on June 13, 2013 16:40


Gasp !! Swimming on a red flag day. Stupid elephant deserves to drown.
( sarcasm )

Posted by Media Watcher on June 13, 2013 16:59

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