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The pickup wrapped around the tree on Phuket early today

Phuket Party Aftermath Leaves One Man Dead, Another Badly Hurt

Saturday, June 15, 2013
PHUKET: One man died and another was seriously injured when a pickup ran off a Phuket road and hit a tree after a drinking party early today.

The crash wrapped the Mazda pickup around the tree at 2.10am on a bend near the maknik School on the road between Surin and the Heroines Monument.

The men had been at a drinking party, police said.

Jalerntam Tepraksa, 25, was killed and Montri Baochai, 37, was taken to Thalang Hospital where he remains in a serious condition with both arms and one leg broken.

It took rescue workers 15 minutes to cut the body free from the cabin of the pickup.

Traffic statistics for Phuket ceased being made available on a monthly basis in April last year and even the annual figures for fatalities and injuries in 2012 have not been released.

As a result, Phuketwan is unable to report whether the incidence of deaths and injuries on Phuket's roads is rising or falling.


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Thank god this pair didn't kill any innocents, no sympathies with drunk drivers.

Posted by Scunner on June 15, 2013 17:13



With you 100 percent on your comment.

Posted by robert on June 15, 2013 19:30


Thanks robert

Posted by Scunner on June 15, 2013 23:25


Sadly, far too many drunks on the island's roads.
There needs to be far more breathalising done, and penalties upped to discourage this almost standard practice.
I'm sure the road casualties, should they ever be revealed, would be an embarrassment to Phuket.

Posted by jimbo34 on June 16, 2013 03:26

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