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Packed Phuket Prison: Five Expats Held Over  Murders

Packed Phuket Prison: Five Expats Held Over Murders

Thursday, March 15, 2012
PHUKET: Thirty-three foreigners are among the inmates at Phuket Provincial Prison, where the total of 1600 prisoners now is twice the capacity for which the jail was built more than a century ago.

While more than 80 percent of the Thais are being held for drugs-related offences, 14 out of the 33 foreigners are inside for drugs.

Five of the foreigners are doing time for murder or awaiting trial for murder, and one faces a count of attempted murder.

Only two of the foreigners inside Phuket jail are women, one from Romania and the other from South Korea. One is inside for an ATM charge, the other on a fraud count.

In a breakdown by nationality, Britain leads the count with four prisoners. Indonesia comes next with three.

Among other nationalities inside the prison are the following: Germany two; Tunisia one; India two, Pakistan one; United States two; Cameroons two; Switzerland two; Romania two; Norway one; Nepalese one; Australia one; Sweden two; Russia one; South Korea two.


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I have no sympathy for any farang who is found guilty of a crime while in Thailand. Having said that I believe that the person's embassy should make some sort of arrangement to have those on remand before trial to be released into the care of the Embassy which would then be responsible for ensuring that person is available for their trial.

Posted by Arthur on March 16, 2012 12:47


"I have no sympathy for any farang who is found guilty of a crime while in Thailand." Having no sympathy for others is certainly not something I'd be proud of spreading abroad in a public forum, Arthur. 'Judge not that ye be not judged'.

Posted by Sam W on March 16, 2012 15:36

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