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Cyrtodactylus phuketensis, adorned with zebra stripes, found on Phuket

New Species of Gecko Found on Phuket

Thursday, June 5, 2014
PHUKET: Invaded by tourists, overrun by developers, Phuket seems to be a place where nature has a less than even chance of survival. But even on Phuket, there are surprises.

A new species of striped gecko has been found on the island, among a total of 367 new species discovered in Southeast Asia in 2012-2013, according to a report by the World Wildlife Foundation.

Its name: Cyrtodactylus phuketensis.

''Adding to the fantastic bestiary of creatures living in the Greater Mekong are new characters such as the Cambodian Tailorbird, Laotian giant flying squirrel, 'hunch-bat of Vietnam,' an iridescent-colored rainbow lizard, a fish who is ahead of the reproduction game, the 'Zorro'-masked water snake, a salmon-colored orchid and a primitive whiteheaded viper. A skydiving gecko, giant flying frog, ''fishzilla'' (walking snakehead fish), brightly-colored bronzeback snake, pufferfish and blind huntsman spider further add to the newly discovered assemblage,'' reports the WWF.

The newly-discovered species include 290 plants, 28 reptiles, 24 fish, 21 amphibians, three mammals and one bird, all found in the Greater Mekong region, which consists of the countries through which the Mekong River winds.

The zebra-striped gecko species is roughly 11.5cm long and looks ''other worldly''.

It's only known habitat so far is in Phuket's Khao Phra Thaeo non-hunting area, where French tourists are quite regularly lost but new species are seldom found.

Reports don't say whether the beautiful striped gecko makes as much noise as its plain household counterpart.

Flying Squirrel, Rainbow Lizard Among 367 New Species Discovered in the Greater Mekong


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amazing how nature still provides these hidden gems ..incredible colors !!

Posted by chris on June 5, 2014 09:37


Thursday 05 June 2014

Does anyone realise Thursday, June 5, is World Environment Day?

World Environment Day ('WED') is celebrated every year on June 5 to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The 2014 theme for World Environment Day will focus on 'Small Islands and Climate Change', the official slogan for the year 2014 is 'Raise Your Voice Not The Sea Level.'

Posted by Whistle-Blower on June 5, 2014 12:02


I think posting a picture is potentially harmful as it looks an attractive animal and some people will collect them as pets.

Posted by Fiesty Farang on June 5, 2014 14:30

Editor Comment:

Well you would wouldn't you, FF. Do a search online and I'm sure you can find photographs and possible locations of every species known to mankind. The real problem, appropriately for World Environment Day, is people who think like you.


Tigers look attractive too: take one home with you!

Posted by Pete on June 5, 2014 15:23

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